14 Things a Caveman Can Teach You About Simple Living

14 Things a Caveman Can Teach You About Simple Living

Living Like a Caveman Across the Board

If you’ve been shaping up on a paleo diet that has you eating like a caveman, you might want to take things a step further. Living more like a caveman across the board could help you to cut down on complications and stress.

The next time you’re facing a dilemma in your personal or professional life, ask yourself what a Neanderthal would do.

(a) Caveman Lessons on Living Healthy

1. Stay active. Studies show that an hour at the gym may not be enough to offset the effects of prolonged sitting. Incorporate more physical activity into your routine. Taking the stairs and jumping rope can be just as effective as running after mastodons.

2. Eat whole foods. Many of the benefits of a paleo diet come from focusing on natural foods rather than bags of chips and boxes of cookies. Fill most of your plate with vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

3. Cut down on white sugar and flour. Avoiding processed foods can be challenging, but it’s worthwhile. Lose weight and lower your risk for diabetes by switching to whole grains and satisfying your sweet tooth with fruit.

4. Limit toxins. Our ancestors also had less exposure to environmental pollutants. Wash your produce well or buy organic. Support clean air and water initiatives.

5. Sleep well. Early humans didn’t stay up all night binge watching Netflix or playing video games. Go to bed and wake up on a regular schedule. Darken your bedroom and wear earplugs if streetlights and traffic are keeping you up.

(b) Caveman Lessons on Strengthening Relationships

1. Be direct. If you believe the funny pages, Stone Age courtship consisted of clubbing your partner over the head and dragging them home. Granted, that’s extreme, but straightforward communications usually promote more understanding and trust.

2. Connect with your kids. Some anthropologists praise the involved parenting style of ancient hunter-gatherers. Spend time with your children and encourage unstructured play.

3. Communicate face to face. Gathering around the dinner table draws us closer to family and friends. Log off Facebook for a while and spend an evening in the same room with your loved ones.

4. Cultivate alliances. Neanderthals couldn’t order their groceries online when they were working overtime. Extend a helping hand to your neighbors, friends, and relatives so you can support each other on busy days. Throw potluck dinners and trade babysitting services.

(c) Other Caveman Lessons

1. Create a comfortable home. If home improvement projects are spiraling out of control, reclaim your free time. Cover the basics by arranging a space that keeps you warm and safe. For decorations, you can hang your own drawings on the wall.

2. Repurpose and recycle. Our ancestors fashioned rocks and sticks into tools for farming and defense. You’re carrying on the tradition when you fertilize your rose bushes with coffee grounds.

3. Appreciate nature.Studies show that time outdoors makes us feel happier and more energetic. Take a walk during your lunch hour or read outdoors before breakfast.4. Kick your shoes off. Do your feet swell and ache because they’ve spent most of the day squeezed into fashionable footwear? Find relief by removing your shoes when you arrive home and practicing yoga exercises that strengthen your feet. As a bonus, you’ll have cleaner floors and enhanced balance.

5. Consume less. Most importantly, cavemen weren’t big spenders. Liberate yourself by figuring out your basic needs. Trimming your monthly expenses helps you to pay for other priorities like travel or education.

Even if your knowledge of the Stone Age is limited to watching reruns of the Flintstones, you can master living more like a troglodyte. Going prehistoric will make your life simpler, healthier, and more peaceful.